The International CHD Awareness Quilt Project, to raise awareness of congenital heart defects. Check out this web page to help promote CHD Awareness and sign up to have a personilized square made for you or your child (it is FREE). |
Fun sites for those affected by CHD's. This is the only one I know of, so if anyone has anymore, please let me know, lets share the fun! Camp Del Corazon is a camp for childern with heart disease or a history of heart disease, they are a non-for profit organization. |
Support Groups and Informational Sites :

On this special links page, you will find some informational links on CHD's. Most of them are web pages that I have come across during my search for "answers." I hope that some of them will help you in some way. If you know of a good informational site that you feel should be added to my list, please send me a note with the web address. Nothing found on this page should be substituted for professional advice from your doctor or your child's doctor. I am not a health care provider. This page is for imformational purpose only. Any questions you have should be addressed to your health care provider for up to date accurate information for your specific health condition. |

On this special links page, you will find some informational links on CHD's. Most of them are web pages that I have come across during my search for "answers." I hope that some of them will help you in some way. If you know of a good informational site that you feel should be added to my list, please send me a note with the web address. Nothing found on this page should be substituted for professional advice from your doctor or your child's doctor. I am not a health care provider. This page is for imformational purpose only. Any questions you have should be addressed to your health care provider for up to date accurate information for your specific health condition. |
Support Groups and Informational Sites :
Fun sites for those affected by CHD's. This is the only one I know of, so if anyone has anymore, please let me know, lets share the fun! Camp Del Corazon is a camp for childern with heart disease or a history of heart disease, they are a non-for profit organization. |
Anthony, (3/19/82 ~ 3/8/99) spending a beautiful summer afternoon at Camp Del Corazon where he felt comfortable, even around pretty girls, with his shirt off ready for the ocean, despite his scars from surgeries. ~This picture was taken the summer of 98, Anthony's last summer at camp.~
The International CHD Awareness Quilt Project, to raise awareness of congenital heart defects. Check out this web page to help promote CHD Awareness and sign up to have a personilized square made for you or your child (it is FREE). |
Angie Brooks and baby Noah with quilt #11 of the series. Baby Noah and his gaurdian angel Zachary both have a squre on this quilt. (Zachary's is the Tigger 2nd one in, 3rd row from the bottom, Noah's is 2nd row from bottom, 1st one.) |